As I said earlier, I'm not a "paid advertiser" here so guys please notice and read a bit closer if you will to my posts as I'm saying things in certain ways as to NOT break the rules, since I'm not a paid advertiser. Simply put, I'm saying as much as I can carefully without getting in trouble from the Mods here!
As for my rates and services, I've always been one of the more open minded girls in the biz. But what I may offer to one client, I may not offer to the next. Most of my clients are now long regulars and so that "comfort level" is there if you will. As for my rates, I do offer all the "regular" or "basic" sessions, however for the "GFE" or "PSE" sessions my rates have NOT changed. There are no specials. This is my choice and I'm happy with it.
Gentlemen, please don't bargain or question why services are more and other SP's are offering for less or longer times, as I simply don't care. It's their choice and my choice as to what I choose to offer for whatever rate.
If you feel it's too much or too little, or too this or too that, that's fine. You're allowed to feel whatever you want as you're the consumer! There are many choices out there! Just like other things in life, different stores, coffee shops etc Some are more, some are less. Different quality, and different quantity. Most importantly, VARIETY. And they say VARIETY is the "spice of life", which is why there are so many choices.
With this being said, there are many great SP's in this city and elsewhere who offer different things for different prices. Simply put, if the price just isn't right for you, simply move on. You're allowed to do that, just as I'm allowed to choose to NOT offer any specials on my services at this time.
Choose the right lady for you based on whatever criteria she meets and have a good time.

Just have fun, lifes too short.
That's it, that's all!