Thanks for the link - I did find it a long time ago, but the title "Owning or leasing a bar on Bangla road" wasn't something I followed up on. I didn't think to look there for updates.
I read most of the early stuff again, then read the end of it a lot more carefully. Sheesh, I didn't/don't know anything about this. I'm sitting here thinking that I posted some very unrealistic thoughts up above, but I also find it hard to believe that 50 to 100 of these touts have been able to buy more power than all the bars. I did read where (for reasons of safety) nobody wants to go up against them. Is there really a "tout mafia" now?
There's that old saying, "if you can't beat 'em, join them". What would happen if bars were to hire their own "touts" with signs listing drinks at the standard prices?
It's funny - until tonight, I never imagined those touts to have anything like "power". I thought they were just out there by themselves, trying to get tourists to go to "their" bar, and earning a commission from those who take them up on their offer. I guess I was way off base.
By the way, I did have a friend who used to work on Soi Sansabai, and who then got a job working at one of the discos, spending a lot of his time hanging out on Bangla Road handing out flyers to get people to come inside. He gave me one - it was for a "free drink". I guess that makes him a "tout". I did go inside, got my drink, didn't have much of it because I really only drink beer, and after half an hour or so I decided I had to leave - was way to noisy for me. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that with any group of people, some are nice, some not. I feel it's wrong to lump all of them into one category and condemn them all because of the actions of some.