Anyone interested in chatting about the Gong??
I'd like this to be an open and general discussion about anything to do with playing or healing with the Gong. What's your experience, got anything to share??
I'll start first. I recently purchased a 2nd hand gong and my partner has been playing it the last few days. The sound is amazing, and the resonance purely wonderful.
I'd love to learn more about its healing qualities, and techniques to play it.
I'm having a tad of a problem with slight sickness after it is played. Is this just a healing crisis? Do we play on? or have I not cleansed the Gong of its previous owners energy sufficiently enough. I would have thought a Gong would be a space/ energy clearer anyway.
So any answers to my questions would be appreciated, or just use this thread to talk about Gongs in general as well.
Its a new toy and I wanna play, wanna chat?
I'd like this to be an open and general discussion about anything to do with playing or healing with the Gong. What's your experience, got anything to share??
I'll start first. I recently purchased a 2nd hand gong and my partner has been playing it the last few days. The sound is amazing, and the resonance purely wonderful.
I'd love to learn more about its healing qualities, and techniques to play it.
I'm having a tad of a problem with slight sickness after it is played. Is this just a healing crisis? Do we play on? or have I not cleansed the Gong of its previous owners energy sufficiently enough. I would have thought a Gong would be a space/ energy clearer anyway.
So any answers to my questions would be appreciated, or just use this thread to talk about Gongs in general as well.
Its a new toy and I wanna play, wanna chat?