Sorry Cabinman, was not referring to you but rather the general attitude of this and similar threads. Guys want it both ways. You are actually one of the very few I respect on here.
Some are never happy unless they get to complain about something/someone.
They seem to get their happiness from being unhappy and miserable.
How many time has Bob been bashed because he did report a story and, despite how "Penthouse Letters" are more popular than actual reviews / info one here, guys bellyached because they did not believe him?
It is the whole attitude of the thread. "I have the right to write anything I want outside of the room" (despite the fact they are writing about what happened IN the room)" The "My right to brag and and share private info with my "bros" trumps the right of someone else privacy and safety. How fucking self-serving ! I KNOW it is a review board but people need to know respect for others trumps self-serving boastfulness. Reviews can be done respectfully and with a certain amount of discretion.
How many ladies have been driven away or changed their names so NO ONE knows where they are anymore? How does that help ones "bros"? I'd like to know this info on the ladies as much as they next guy but I will not pass it on to a blabbermouth.
The person who wrote that a sign is the terms or conditions. By going ahead with the appointment you are deemed to have accepted those term. If you don't like then, GREAT. Turn around and walk out. THAT is your right, to accept and continue or the right to not accept and walk out. It is NOT a right to violate the right after you are deemed to have accepted them. Try that in any other business and see how far your get. Your ass would be in court so fast your head will be spinning !
Absolute nonsense,condescending,air of know it all
Veiled threats of court action
Letโs say we get sued by some theoretical business,SO WHAT???
Why would my head be spinning? Business people have lawyers on retention for nuisance lawsuits
,Big frigging deal
So BROS,itโs your right to speak and write in reviewing any business.Dont like the attitude,who cares??
You donโt owe this forum,If you get sued,PM me.
There is NOTHING to fear,there is still FREE speech in Canada
If you donโt like it,sue me