Maybe this pic is just taken out of context...
Looks to me its taken at an amusement park or something- like Canada's Wonderland, There are people walking around shirtless and a kid with a towel, maybe just came from the water park... Consider the tall structure in the back ground- looks like a band stand or something right? Girl looks to me like she's dressed for a rock concert. Its late in the day (long shadows) and the park is about to transition from family fun park, to rock concert mode... in which case, the girl's attire would NOT seem so out of place.
I don't know about you guys, but I've seen outfits like this and even MORE provocative at such venues...
I remember years ago, when I was at retail, we sold those
thigh high "hooker" boots (you know the type I'm sure), I had these 2 very attractive ladies come in, wearing skirt suits- looked very "legal secretary-ish", and they were eyeing the boots up and down. I thought, "this could be interesting" so I approached them, with some line about do you like our line of "bedroom slippers" LOL They turned to me and explained that they were going to the Motley Crew concert at Skydome that night and they just HAD to have these boots, but they felt silly trying them on in the store, and could they please try them on in the stockroom! Of course I said yes, made a $400 dollar sale and the girls left happy!