...you have to remember who you are writing it for ? ...are you writing for the people who rarely venture into this world and would like to know what goes on in this world or are you writing it for yourself ...( Black Jack , member from another forum, posted Sat Nov 06, 2010)
So, I’m writing it for the everyone who «would like to know what goes on in this world» and of course, I’m writing it for myself... maybe I need over and over again to determine and confirme my life’s position: what I can accept and what I can’t never accept...
10-22-2010 10:30 AM #54 I (aka Perceptible) wrote:
Well, Michelle… was at vacations for three weeks and came back in September… but her co-workers consumed with envy continue to give a false information that Michelle is no longer there. What a shame! So cheap on their part!
I don’t like this look of things here...
Without doubt, the overwhelming majority of us, those colliding with the envy, will evaluate this feeling as unambiguously negative; as the defect, with which it is necessary to fight.
We know very well that envy is the strong feeling of vexation, caused by success of other. Very often people, carrying out similar activity, are distinguished by the fact that one has certain good, and another, which considers that he has equal right to it, does not possess… because of, par exemple, , the absent education… low qualification, or… simple laziness…
This situation assumes the presence of the specific need in envier, not satisfied by the prevailing conditions of his activity, and the carried out by him (not always at the realized level) comparison with another person, which without difficulty (luckier) satisfy the same need . The experiences of envier are actually completely agonizing, even the color of his face changes… Envy forces him for the faster achievement of the objective to occupy « advantageous place » : this is the discredit of the rival or «to diminish» rival by any means (to deprive, for example, property, after taking possession of it, to deprive the possibilities to develop its talents and abilities…) and… to get rid of the rival, having forever removed the available inequality…
So much the worse when two or three enviers club together and « fussy » about their commun rival …They begin to use all possible means …and since their coallition there is a real cold war… without any declaration, of course…
While the «rival» is at loss, receiving the feedbacks… the time is already up…The smutty deeds are already done … It takes a lot of time to get to the bottom of things…
But in the long run, sooner or later, all mysteries, all dirty games, all put-up jobs come in light and totally puzzle.
Since this moment when the truth comes in light, we have this sacred right to «exterminate» these enviers, resticting their possibilities and disclore their sloppy reputation.
10-22-2010 10:30 AM #54 I (aka Perceptible) wrote:
Well, Michelle… was at vacations for three weeks and came back in September… but her co-workers consumed with envy continue to give a false information that Michelle is no longer there. What a shame! So cheap on their part!
I don’t like this look of things here because Michelle is my favorite.
As for me, from my childhood education I’m always ready to protect my dears, to repel the attacks of «strangers»*, to restore justice on my territory - to get proper order in my possessions. These are my life’s experiences. Bad experiences are bitter: they sting and leave a long after-taste.
*«stranger»- everyone who has filthy attitudes and dares to flout and touch my feelings of self-esteem and self-respect.