Happy Tuesday
Hawaii Health Spa
#7 - 3110 kingston rd.Scarborough, ON m1m 1p2

: 4162618088
Host: linda & Eva
Subject: noodle story
After i gave a customer 90 minutes massage , he told me that his body was so light so relaxing , feel like a wet noodle, this remind me a noodle story.
Here we go:
One customer came here for a massage , he is not young, he is too much complicated, he asked me massage him like this, I say ok massaged like this, he asked me massage him like that ,I say ok massage like that, massage like this this, massage like that that, massage this that and massage that this, this this that that, massage like this this, not massage like that that, massage this not massage that, massage this this this, massage that that that... I looked at the clock and thought how could I survive in this 45 minutes? I wish this

️ clock could run faster, Then continue :massaged like this, massaged like that, massaged this this, massaged that that, this that that this this this that that...finally I said:" you see this soft like a noodle, noodle do noodle things how about let me concentrate on blowing it out?"
Then I saw his face from delight became upset , he said: " I am 74 years old, I am a noodle, I am a noodle , God gives me this noodle, this noodle made 3 children, I am a noodle ,I am a noodle, you should not say I am a noodle, this really hurt me"
I looked at him silently and sorrily! I wished that I could get it back before he heard that. from then I know noodle is noodle, noodle can not speak out in some sircumstances!!
About two weeks later, i remember that it was on the Jun 30th, 2020 -- the first day that spa alow to reopened, he call to book an appointment with me at 11am, I recognized his voice and I was surprised that he came back to me, I reminded myself: be careful , avoid noodle matter, avoid noodle

! avoid noodle

About one hour later , he was at the door, he opened his arms gave me a hug, I wellcomed him in with a big hug too and i reminded myself the same time , avoid noodle

, avoid noodle

When i started massge, he did the same way like before , massage like this ,massage like that, massage this this massage that that...I was as patient as possible this time , avoid noodle

avoid noodle

He said:" linda, you do good job , it is my noodle give you trouble, then he started talking about noodle self-deprecatingly: he noodled noodled himself several times :" you told me that I am a noodle, yes I am a noodle..."
Seemed like he was happy talking like this, I started to relax my tension, we started joking: noodle noodle, noodle is good, good is noodle, noodle noodle, good good, noodle no problem, problem no noodle...finally I gave him a blow job, finished this 45 minutes session , he was happy and satisfied...
From then I am starting wondering: same person, same word, same noodle

, sometimes upset, sometimes joyfull

, maybe western culture is too much complicated than Chinese culture? But after my massage, people feel that their body are relaxing like noodle

, this is

% positive !
We have two girls work here every day, wellcome to our spa to have a 4 hands massage, your happiness and healthiness are our priority goals.
The service queen - Eva will work here today, her stable schedule is every Tuesday Thursday and Friday.
Our spa's schedule is:
Monday: Coco & linda
Tuesday: Eva & linda
wendesday: lily & linda
Thursday: Eva & linda
Friday: Eva & linda
Saturday: Cindy & linda
Sunday: Coco & linda
Thank you !

: 416-261-8088