So much hypocrisy in Singapore.The Men-In-White (MIW) thinks that Singapore is a puritanical country and they acted like Moral-Taleban to crack down heavily on HC gals.Massage services could not be eradicated even in muslim and communist countries and they want to eradicate massage services in Singapore ?
Why the SPF crack down on HC gals ? Because they are easy and harmless targets ? And also information easy available effortlessly Reviewom Sammy Forum ?
The SPF should be focussing their actions on more harmful social vices such as gambling and loan-shark instead of persecuting heavily and high-handedly against the HC gals who are only earning a living,and they did not rob or steal.
Why do the Govt allow lisensed Integrated Resorts (Casinos) to operate gambling in Singapore and No systematic and regular raids and checks are conducted against them ?
Why do the Govt allow lisensed Money Lenders to operate high interest money lending operations (loan-shark) in Singaporre and NO systematic and regular raids and checks are conducted against them ?
Why do the Govt allow lisensed Health Centres to operate and then persecute the HC gals? Is it because the SPF consider the HC gals are easy targets and easy for them to show to their superiors their performance (KPI) during their annual performance appraisal and promotions ?
As we are living in a very competitive and cruel society in Singapore,we sincerely urge the SPF to be more humane ,compassionate and merciful to the HC gals who are just ordinary human beings earning a livelihood.