Active Member
I only believe half of it, the rest I don't about. I am perfectly happy to hum around and post my reviews and comments. When someone decides they want to jump at me? i'll ram my fucking truck in their face, that's how I was raised. You have to sock them in the face or where ever it hurts them. So when Daniel wants to fuck with me, I'll fuck with him.
His bitches have been good to me for many years, so i don't bother them in his 'work' threads where he shills for them. The rest of it? y'all can decide if you want to keep filling his pockets or not. I'm only responsible for my own dick and my own dollars.
You are just a big mouth boy. So if you can't back anything up, don't declare anything like "i'm going to meet you at my asian mall at sundown". It makes you sound more like a wilted dick.
I was ready but never heard back from your lover. I have learned over the years the louder someone is online the bigger bitch they are in real life. You are a little loud mouth bitch that needs to get a life and FYI no one gives a shit what you say so fuck off.