Qing Qing massaged me recently. Her massage was minimal or half hearted. I usually don't look for sueforum.xxx massages when I visit health centres but it's good receive good massages. She started to feel my groin. I let her. I immediately agreed to have sex with her. She agreed to a price. She said the AV Police visit only about once a year. Condom on, clothes off. She didn't allow fingering. I entered her missionary position, doggy style, she on top then missionary again. She can squeeze her pussy but it wasn't really fantastic. I 'came' too soon. Paid her. Cleaned up n dressed up.
Qing Qing
Early 30s y.o.
Black, short hair.
6.7/10 looks but with a red pimple on her face. Slim, nice body.
Large B-cup breasts.
Service: All right.
RTF: Yes but there're other girls around. May be I should book Honey, the local Chi. girl in Hougang de Sauna.