Whenever my hubby asks for it...which is hardly ever (we talk and joke about this all the time). Once a month maybe. Usually an hour...specific upper body work mostly. He sits in front of a computer for a good part of the day, and really needs massage more often than he asks for it. I refuse to nag though, just let him come to me when he's ready (crying out in pain, lol). He enjoys it and normally falls asleep but at the same time he doesn't want to seem like he's taking advaneforum.xxxe. He also gets regular chiropractic care, so that helps tremendously. If he asked more often, he'd get worked on more often...he knows how I feel about it. When he does ask, I moan and groan...just kidding...when he does ask, I'm honored to work on him. Although, he likes to tell everyone that I never work on him. He's a keeper

: .
Great question.