I can see that this is nearing the end of the thread and all that can be said has probably been said. However now I have calmed down I would like to just have my say too. I qualified to practice Reflexology with VTCT and worked very hard indeed during the course and I am a member of the International Council of Holistic Therapists.
I just like say in reply to Topcat02 that if there were a lot of VTCT people retraining with AOR then I wouldn't mind betting that it's because their confindence has been undermined by people who have done other courses such as AOR or ITEC and then think 'oh my goodness I'm not good enough, I'll have to re-train!'. Some AOR and ITEC people seem to be infuratingly snobby about their qualifaction and some whom I have met seem to get a sick pleasure out of scaring people who are on other courses by telling them that they won't be 'recognised'. I know I had it done to me!!
Can someone tell me just WHO SAYS who is going to be 'recognised' by the government. No one really knows anyway. I think people seem to think less of VTCT because their courses are very cheap in comparison to AOR or ITEC, I know AOR are in excess of £1200. Please remember that VTCT are a charitable trust and their courses are heavily subsidised. AOR and ITEC are profit making organisations and it is in their interest to rubbish VTCT to get 'bums on seats' in the class rooms and money in the till.
I agree wholeheartedly with candie,,,Reflexology isn't rocket science. Some therapists seem to come across like they think they are doctors or something! ANYONE can be a Reflexologist if they want to it's really not that difficult. The difficulty is marketing yourself after you qualify and building up a good reputation if you ask me, cause I'm sure everyone will agree clients just don't drop from the sky, you have to prove how good you are in a practical sense not just with the certificate that hangs on your wall!
In answer to periwinkle,,yes of course you'll get a job and make a damn good therapist if you work hard like I did.
By the way in my area in Yorkshire it would not have been possible for me to do an ITEC or AOR course they just weren't available. What do you think would happen if all at once the government said that, for instance, no one else except AOR qualified therapist will be recognised. There'd be a war,,thats what. Can you imagine,,a therapist with say, VTCT, who has been practicing for years with a healthy client base is told, 'sorry you're not a Reflexologist any more, you haven't got the qualifications'. There'd be hell to pay, because this would include thousands of people. Would they do that do you think? I don't.
In my humble opinion regulation is years away anyway and who knows what might happen by then, maybe even all the 'big' organisations will have merged together, which is a theory I've heard.
I'd just like to wish good luck to everyone, whatever course they choose, but please remember it's not professional to 'bad mouth' other qualifying bodies, because in so doing, you are 'bad mouthing' a lot of excellent therapists. Please keep your words tender, for tomorrow you may have to eat them!
I've been wanting to get that off my chest for some time now, so thank you to all who have taken the time to read.
Love and Light
Susan52 MICHT