I'm trying to keep this light-hearted because for us, the hobby is suppose to be fun after-all.
I understand what the girls have to go through with LE scrutinizing these establishments, but they could have been nicer about the whole thing. The whole time I was at 7th, I thought my ass was going to get curb-stomped to the ground by a bunch of little asian girls in bikini.
For me at least, I don't live anywhere with near the concentration of Asian girls as Houston, LA or NYC. Where I'm from, Asian people stare at each other when they come across one of their own at a grocery store.
Just imagine being a bachelor in Alaska and you'll start to get close to how I feel.
The only Korean girls are international students. Oh, and they're all devout Catholic. See the girl quoting the bible on her facebook profile, how much luck do you think anyone will have?