2 sexxxy,
Before the vultures start circling ( swoop in for the kill ), and being a somewhat neutral observer ( yes, I find 'The Night [ months, years ... ] Of The Tarah Bashing Undead' a scary movie), I believe Revolver's first experience was actually "enjoyable". It was just not up to par with other first sessions he has had and they didn't click. Being the objective and fun loving fellow he is ( just don't piss him off ) he generally perpetuates a very high level of fun ( fun is fun ) ... A Rev session is hard to live up to, but I've been practising my Revolver zoolander.
PS hopefully this thread won't get locked or deleted and perhaps we can diffuse all this insanity ( and I do not use the term loosely ) and find some objectivity, once and for all. ( and they say I'm a dreamer ... )