Pad so in your opinion it was perfectly okay for the farang to aggresively push him? irrespective of any circmstances, so in your words, he is working where customers go, so they can abuse, push or maybe even hit him and its okay? I accept gone too far with examples, but how far is too far? who makes that decision?
The toilet masseur was harrassing him? or trying to do his job?
He assaulted him? or reacted after being aggresively attacked by the farang?
No need to answer, I really do not care either way, just interested that different people see different aspects to this scenario.
The toilet masseur was harrassing him? or trying to do his job?
He assaulted him? or reacted after being aggresively attacked by the farang?
No need to answer, I really do not care either way, just interested that different people see different aspects to this scenario.