@everyone who r not much familiar about NL dens just have a look
NL vs CH (Navalakar lane vs Congress House)
NL is a lane oppositie to R******e hospital gate no **,charni road girgoan.
This is a bit high class Sex joint having 2 buildings .(Few compare these dens wid kamantipura brothels r kennedy bridge so many avoid visiting NL but ur assumption is wrong.Rooms here are good clean and hygienic. These girls are not road side hookers )
So basically
There r two buildings we name them as 1st and 2nd building for our reference from hospital side with 3 floors each i.e Ground First and second.
For easy reference we name it as
1bgf 1st building ground floor
1b1f- 1st building 1st floor
1b2f - 1st building 2nd floor
Same for 2nd building from Reliance hospital side.
So basically 1b1f is bit famous as rooms and ambiance is good compared to other floors.
In 1b1f u wil be able to see line up of girls ranging from 3.5k ,5.5k ,11k one shot one hour (200 service charges extra for condom towel and water bottle they use durex condomsgrin).Mostly u get young chicks in line up.
where as in other dens it starts wid 2.5k ,3.5k,5.5k mostly u won't be able to see 11k chicks in other dens except 1b1f
2b2f is famous for milfs.Has good milf collection.
1bgf and 2b1f also has mixed collection young and milfs.
1b2f is also good never been there.
where as 2bgf collectiom starts from 2.3k its less busy compared to other dens
Rooms : U get different rooms for different range of girls
5.5k rooms are too good .
Now a days NL has less stock usually it starts from 3-4p.m till late night but if u go early all girls won't be ready and few come from outside so they might be late.Best time is around 5-6p.m to see full collection.
CH- Congress house
CH is a one more famous sex joint.I feel its heart of sex joints in mumbai.I get a different feel and vibes when i hear r write about congress house dens as i started my mongering in mumbai from here and have lot of memories in CH dens .To explore CH one should have patience ,guidence and should be fearless.More over Skills to escape from sps one den to another.
CH -one can reach CH dens in 3 ways through Kennedy bridge,school lane,opp lane to imperial cinemas(beside yes bank )
Usually Taxi walas prefer through opp imperial cinema lane. Once u enter the lane amd walk 100m u can see congress bar & Restaurant on right hand side and a school near by the restaurant. A busy place wid lot of sps and taxis.
Make sure u dnt make a eye contact wid sps r else they wil start to insist u to follow them. Act as if ur not a newbie if ny one insists u to come to his den .Tell him ur dne wid the deed nd waiting for a friend.(Tell him agar free me ladki dega tho bol andar aunga

)Just ignore them.
There wil be problem if ur new to CH r else u dnt see much. if u want to go through ny sp u call him and stand near Congress house bar he wil guide you to his den. There's a small police station beside school and U can even see police vehicles they might have come to collect "hafta" .Dont be panic , run r try to hide just behave normally.Enter ny den sps wil guard u.
If u monger in group u wil get to see most of the collection in CH.
So here as well ,you get line up of girls to c wid different rates in different dens around 1300,1700,2200,2500,3500,5500
etc. So right time to visit CH is around 6-7p.m to see good stock and it starts from 4p.m to late night 4-5a.m
Few dens have really good stock like dharma and R.k Mama.Even suresh does have a good stock similar to NL.
Other dens u get milfs at very cheap rates like 1300 earlier i use to get for 700.
You need to have patience to find a good chick who is worth for money.if u explore 5-6 dens u get 5-6 good chicks to see.
Good thing abt CH is sometimes, stock keeps on changing u get different faces to see.
In CH try to negotiate as much as u can.
Rooms : Rooms are small compare to NL not that clean but few CH den have good rooms if u pay extra 1000 bucks u can get really big rooms.
Condoms :NL uses durex condom where as in CH u get Some cheap condoms so they charge only Rs.100 as service charges

.Be careful Girls insist u to wear double condom in CH avoid that r else carry a condom on ur own.
Many girls in CH and NL uses V wash and mouth freshner to keep themselves clean .
NL vs CH)
CH is totally a different game when u compare wid NL. CH lacks quality in girls but covers up in quantity wheres as NL has quality lacks quantity. In NL u find only 6 dens where as in CH u get to see around 50+ dens with 500+ girls. (NL is a brand like Apple where as CH is a china piece).In NL rates are fixed They dnt hike . Where as in CH sometimes they hike and girls keep on swapping from one den to another and change their price. Few girls even swap from NL to CH vice-versa.
In NL u dnt find sp's harassing you where as in CH many of them do and insist to enter their den.Good thing in NL and CH is u can ask girls what all u can expect from her.Sps in NL r CH never loot you nor the girls these are safe place to monger.
The reason y i prefer CH is u get the same range milf in CH for 1300-1800 where as in NL u get for 2.5k. CH is a better option to save ur money . Some times u can see 3.5k range NL girls for 2.5k range in CH. But u need to have time and patience to explore and catch the good bird.
Please i req senior mongers and legends here to kindly correct me if i'm wrong and request to add if i missed nything.