Yes dear this is true because Flesh trading is illegal in India outside brothels. So we are helpless and SPs take advantage of this loopholes. So better go with reference, first increase contacts on forum like this and Make sure you are getting what you want then only go ahead.The fact is, the market is very bad. If you check there are thousands of escort girls ads on their website, agencies, locanto. But everyone is just cheating.
I will narrate my incidence I called almost 2 SPs and 3 indie escort girls which ultimately turned out to be agency only. I talked to all of them. I told them my budget, they send me some pics. Pics were really hot and voluptuous. So I finalised the deed without even bargaining. I told them that I am from Mumbai. For these 3 ladies, I told I am ready for incall. and for rest 2 agencies I told I don't know any hotel so you help me for that.
Just see all of them told me to book a room in one famous hotel in Bandra. What the f**k. All gave me different pics. All quoted me differently. But everyone modus operandi is same. Book room in the hotel. We will send you the girl directly to the room. You pay her to advance and then do the deed.
No genuinely, No other assurance, Not sharing details of girls before payment. What the hell is this? We are ready to pay the money but the deal will be one-sided. No way, if you want business from us lets deal in 50/50 way and then go ahead.
So guys are aware. I know here also there are a lot of SPs who are operating under various names. I know I am hurting them, but this is hardcore fact. At least some one who is asking genuinely and ready for the deal means he is genuine and not fake then at least be honest with him.
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