She is available wid sp in sai pra**ik lodge near sat*a plaza....Vashi... Completely avoid ...
So let me share few points about lodges in vashi...and y one need to avoid these...
So mostly service of these girls is fucked up in vashi i.e Navi mumbai lodges
1.No Dfk
3.No BBJ
4.Upar se chidte hai
The reason behind this is..There are many girls brought from different states and run under a company in vashi. They are known as company girls...they r more than 200+ ,company provides them accomodation ...and these girls are rotated in all lodges in Navi mumbai vashi ...most of them are young and they work 24 hrs just when u reach lodge and ask sp they wil be there in 1 hr ....So customer pays 3.5k for 2 in general
in 3.5k 500 goes as room charge ,1000 goes to company ,1000 goes to lodge sp in and finally girl gets 1000 for 2 pops...

So idar ek nahi 2 sp

...Then what can u expect from her it wil be like ur fucking girl from kamantipura in a good lodge thats it .So dnt get tempted wid pic so completely avoid lodges in Navi mumbai nd save ur money...instead go wid indie r go to NL/CH...Few years back local girls use to work nd service was decent abhi sare vashi lodges ke lode lagehai..Dne wid them ..