Hi all...
I come here from the sister forum... previous id there was KamaEstate but had to get a new id when I lost the password... so this is my new id now.
I've only briefly visited this forum previously, was always more active on ISG since I had a paid membership there earlier.
However I've noticed off late, this thread is way more active and actually helpful unlike the sister forum where people are chasing non existent birds and imaginary lists. Anyway, to each his own...
As I intend to be active here moving forward and do my bit to contribute to the community i thought i should introduce myself.
I've been mongering for ~5 years now. Mostly been a spa guy with the occasional visit to NL. The whole exploration aspect of visiting a new spa, unsure of what is on offer, finding a new bird and working your way up the extras ladder was always exciting.
Exploring the indie scene was something I've barely done. Only visited Ir**e (malad) in the early days which should explain why I never bothered to venture any further (old timers would understand

). But this is something I'm looking to change in the future.
Since this is getting quiet long already, I'd like to sign of by saying I've RTFF for the last ~400 pages in the last couple of weeks (the little joys of being down with corona) and really appreciate the great work everyone is putting in. I will likely be bothering some of you for contacts in the near future, but will reciprocate by sharing my experiences in the hopes that it will benefit others from the brotherhood.