English was not my first language either BUT, to repeat, the difference between THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE is elementary School, I repeat, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I make typos all the time but I at least admit to it (and blame it on the fingers). In light of my age, computer are MY second language but I don't use that as my convenient excuse.
I guess if people want to come across as rubes, it is their right to do so but I also have the right to have an opinion on how that comes across.
I am going to take your comment about "figure them out" as you agreeing with me because there should be no need to figure it out.
I will also take it that you won't explain "there rules" is because you can't and my reasoning is that you certainly are trying to explain and excuse boorish English, and why I should accept it lol.
BTW, using "text" as an excuse is lame, in my humble opinion. Writing on paper was TEXT as well. The problem is not the device, it is the person using the device. Are you trying to say that if someone was writing these posts on paper they would be using the right 'there, their or they're' but because they are using a computer or cell, that makes it right? Come on!! I've read your posts. You sound smarter than trying to pass that off as an excuse.