Those are private DMs which are as close as nose to nose as I'll ever get with you because you're XTC!.
I've never talked like that in the chat unless it was directed at you.
You told me that you drive a black Denali and you're 6'3" clean cut and clean shaven lol, and that we go to the same spas. I'm sure that you also have 6% bodyfat, own a spaceship and an island. Not to mention your massive pecker!
You told me that you wouldn't meet with me because you were afraid that I'd snap pictures!! Yet you'll supposedly

provide a description of your vehicle and what you look like? Make sense to you??? Does that sound logical??? Couldn't I snap pictures if I saw you now that I have your description?
You're a fraud. A made up character like many others that you have XTC. Not to mention a complete waste of my time. Isn't it a obout time that you pull out puppet Gunner to type in all caps with his carribean vibe?
BTW....what happened to your writing style? It sure has changed from being in between a mix of XTC and Gunner