Perhaps I gave you the wrong impression...
I have absolutely no problem with promoting responsible living with respect to our environment. In fact, I actively use the blue box & green box programs and constantly promote the 3 "R's" (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and teach my children the same. I have all energy efficient appliances, and I upgraded the overall R-factor of my home when it was built, (energy efficient windows, doors, extra insulation etc...). I drive one of the more fuel efficient trucks on the market and ACTIVELY promote clean, responsible living, (e.g. cycling, hiking, walking, canoeing, kayaking etc.) I am at one with the environment and actively promote preservation of the Grand River Conservation area and spend a great deal of time (especially in the summer) enjoying activities in its watershed area near my home.
What I DO have a problem with is the utter hypocrisy that goes on within the upper echelons of the green movement.
Case in point:
MANY celebrity actors, singers, artists, comedians and politicians are jumping on the band wagon telling us regular folk how BAD we all are if we don't conform to the "green movement" and "reduce our carbon dioxide output". Ironically, most of these folks are preaching their diatribes whilst not doing a darn thing about it themselves! A few years ago during the Academy Awards, everyone was preaching about "being green" when just a few minutes earlier, they were all in air conditioned limo's lined up for blocks, all the while idling and spewing out their so called harmful emissions. Lets also not forget that these ultra wealthy celebrity types all maintain huge homes, and in MOST cases, several homes scattered around the globe (e.g. east coast, west coast, European location homes, oh and don't forget the island vacation home while we're at it!) They are the LAST people we should be taking advice from. The term "hypocrite" comes to mind don't you think?
And don't get me started on perhaps the biggest hypocrite of all... Al Gore! His propaganda film "An Inconvenient Truth" is full of inaccuracies and conjecture. He uses improper statistical methods, short-term temperature trends, and questionable computer models to make many claims which many weather experts have now proven to be false. In fact he and the producers of the documentary now face legal action as a result of inaccuracies in the film... so why isn't CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX news, The Washington Post, USA Today, The New York Times and every other mainstream media outlet talking about this? Why isn't the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences demanding that Al Gore return his Oscar? Why aren't the people at Nobel demanding he return his Peace Prize?
The short answer is Money...
The green movement is driven by government money! (Who would have thought!!!) Those are our tax dollars hard at work folks- money which could be spent on other things such as health care, infrastructure and debt reduction... The Green Movement has grown into a GLOBAL INDUSTRY now and one couldn't even begin to add up what it is worth in terms of financial commitment! They will do everything in their power to suppress word that us humans can do very little to influence climate change- they HAVE TO or their gravy train will end and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) would be out of work...
And another thing... It always kills me to hear of these "global summits", where all the greeners get together at some exotic location to talk about their industry. Whereas- that in-and-of-itself is no big deal, since many industries do this sort of thing... but what I find interesting is that huge delegations from across the globe JET their reps into some exotic location for 5-6 days, and talk about how bad we all are for use planes trains and automobiles! As tboy pointed out in another thread, jet fuel is one of the worst offenders when it comes to greenhouse gases! LOL
And please don't get me started on carbon credits....
**CG7 steps off soapbox for now...**