Many of you have read my review of the violent incident that I survived with Ivana at Premier. I’d like to add one more insight that I think is lost upon everyone who read my review.
If you were to ask the operators of this establishment how they moralise what they do, they would RIGHTLY tell you, it’s just a business - that there is nothing wrong with it. Fine.
However, if you repeatedly email them and ask for some kind of response or explanation regarding the brutality, I suffered, you would think that they would try to do some kind of investigation, as a business should, and reply to the individual victimized. That is not what they do, though. Instead, they look at the complaint, and they basically say by not responding. “ well, what did you expect? It’s the sex trade.”
So guys who read this and don’t call to ask for clarification as to what happened, they are actually encouraging a similar violent attack against an unsuspecting client.
If they had responded to my email, and said that they spoke to her about it, that they would offer proper training if she felt the session was unprofessional, or that they would suspend her…something to show they care… then we could say they are running a business. By ignoring the matter, they are in fact putting people at risk - not from me - but by anyone who is similarly attacked since they obviously consider what Ivana did a non issue. So call them on my behalf! And ask:
1. Are you aware of this specific review about Ivana?
2. Have you responded to him?
3. What does Ivana say about the incident?
4. Is she aware that this type of violence is in the same category as genital mutilation?
5. And finally, what assurances do I have that both the client and sex working ladies are safe from this situation? How should a client deal with violence against him?
I’d call. And ask these questions.