I don't think its fair to compare a MP-service, to a SP-service. For many (myself included), for a variety of reasons, SPs just don't interest us, so a price comparison between the two is irrelevant.
Have I paid at or near $160 for a massage? Yes. Have I felt I overpaid? Sometimes, most definetely, and sometimes, the sensation/experience was so relaxing, price was not a deterent. I think that's what some of the guys are talking about with Jamie, though I've never had the pleasure to meet her myself.
It's like with most forms of entertainment - what your willing to pay is determined by how much you value it. I've spent hundreds of dollars on sporting events (both in Montreal, and specifically travelling to other venues to see a game), while I know other people who place no value on sporting events, and wouldn't attend for free.
If your unwilling to consider a relatively straight massage for $160, then Jamie is most definetely not the girl for you.