Perhaps I did make that post after the pandemic started. I didn't check the dates because I don't care about the dates. I don't know why you care about the timeline so much, because it's irrelevant. The fact is, as more time passed, the more Drunk Trump showed his ineptitude, his stupidity, his retardedness, his inability, his arrogance, his ignorance, his dishonestly. I can go on and on.
Just what exactly did Drunk Trump prove about Hydroxychloroquine? And you keep using the Mr.Maga reference. I don't speak your type of slang. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I don't know how he is, or what he is.
Drunk Trump ran for President of the United States which is supposed to be the cradle of Democracy. His slogan was to "make America great again". Instead he wanted to do the opposite by destroying democracy. How the fuck do you claim election fraud, 6 months before the election started? Then when he lost fair and square, he continued to claim fraud without producing one shred of evidence to back it up. Not only that, but he was caught on tape having a telephone conversation with the governor of Georgia trying bribe him into changing the election result in his favour by 13,000 votes. He was trying spread his dishonesty to someone while jeopardizing his job as well.
Then Drunk Trump encouraged people to march onto Capitol Hill and start a riot in order to stop the transfer of power while he sat in his living room watching it and enjoying the moment, while his own Vice President was there. He should actually be charged for an assassination attempted on his very own VP. Lol imagine that.
So ask yourself, did he make America great again? Can you answer that honestly? No, he sure didn't. He made it much worse. In the last 4 years, Drunk Trump has changed, the United States has changed, the world has changed, and very drastically at that. And people's opinions and views have changed along with it. You can't expect people's views and opinions to stay exactly the same, while the people and the world around them have changed. If the people have changed for the better, then the opinions of those people should be better. If the people have gotten worse, then your opinions of them get worse. Opinions and views are constantly being changed and adjusted every day as the world evolves. That's just the way life works and should work. You say that nothing has changed. That is so untrue. Everything changes everyday. There isn't a single thing that doesn't change every single day. And if you think I'm the only person who changed my opinion of Drunk Trump, you are so fuckin Naive.
You're a fuckin joke. You're the funniest joke on this jokes thread.