I never suggest anything when I'm with a RMT I just try to give off the vibe that I'm open to more, I'm sure I could have had more massages with HE, but I don't want to be caught in a sting if I suggest it.
I do believe she has a sheet on the table which I didn't use. I just layed down undraped and let it happen, she took the sheet away when she came in the room, and I do think she asked if I seen her before and I answered yes (I didn't but that I think that helps with them thinking they serviced you before). In the end she only asked for her hourly rate, but I did give a tip. Maybe next time I'll just give what she asks.
The first time I went not great massage and not a hint of anything, and never asked, second time, I decided to try laying there undraped, when she came in she did cover me up and not much of anything, until it was time to flip, lights went off and so did the sheet, and it was a very nice massage to HE. She did ask me if I had been there before which I answered yes.