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Tried this one recently....the repeated ads and the price had me curious.
Definitely has the vibe and appearance of one of those legit Chiro/Physio places.
Located in a run down plaza, north west corner of Derry and Airport Rd.
When I was there I had an appointment with an Indian girl, likely late 20's early 30's. Decent looking, not skinny or fat, average soft body.
They have a sign on the back of the door...keep underwear on or session doesn't start...blah blah blah
I obliged and she walked in. She recognized me from another place ( I obviously am a massage whore ) and allowed me to remove the boxers and received a HE.
Price was $60 to the clinic and I tipped her $40 for the HE.
I am sorry, I can't remember her name. If it comes to me, I will add to my post. Might be Darshana? Not sure.
When I was there I saw another therapist, middle aged black woman, nothing to write home about. Not sure if she is open minded too.
Anyway, the price was ok.
Won't repeat with her but might try someone else.