Qcumer, your post is most appreciated, but this is where I am in total agreement with Hammer. If I had gone in last night, and I was really tempted to go last night, and had a shitty time and then read your post I would be pissed someone new something on this gal but did not speak up. That is exactly what this forum is about. I do not have a problem sharing info, with people that do the same in kind. Many of us spend a lot of money and time in seeing these gals, and share our experiences with ya'll out there. I am on no ego trip, just sharing info though reviews or posts on thread reviews.
Hammer, you are right on the money as usual. While Qcumer did post a comment on this gal, and is greatly appreciated. This is exactly why I may not post any more reviews, except in the mens lounge just like Wakeup did, or the way I did this thread so that not every tom dick and harry, can benefit from my valuable time and money spent, and in return contribute nothing. There are really a small group of us thatt do all the "legwork", put out our findings to EVERYONE, and in return ask for a little intel. To all the lurkers out there the intel days from myself are quickly comming to an end. I will start putting my comments on providers in private or the ML. Hammer I know youstarted putting activities in the ros for this very reason, I will follow you on that as well as recomendation in ros.