Let's focus on the subject which is kissing. I go a long way to develop a good kisser and just now I am seeing two.
To begin it's possible you won't score with a girl in a relationship. If that's the case you just move on.
The secret is the same as anything we talk about here. Just be direct, let her know what you like through your actions, not your words. Some newbies expect a girl to initiate and are dissapointed. Others ask nicely and likewise get no satisfaction. I start with nude reverse, ask her to flip, and start into her hand job. Some get into the groove and others don't - YMMV. When she's cumming for the 2nd time I go for a deep kiss. The latest, Beckie, is a crazy kisser. She just needs it and needs it. She bites my tongue, lips, ears, and face while she is cumming. I've got to be carefull now to avoid visible marks.
There is a lot of repressed sexual energy out there, just tap into it.