To quote Don Quixote "To each: His own Dulcinea!" Laura, Sunny and Aniah- all respectable, hard working SP's but each customer's 'mileage may vary'. We each have a list of expectations in different orders and if a provider meets some or all of our expectations we rate them accordingly. I respect that! I take each review "under advisement"- knowing that the reviewer's priorities are probably different than mine.
With limited funds, my experience is limited so I appreciate the contributions of the avid 'pooners'. Aniah sounds wonderful but, not having experienced her I will not comment. I have seen Sunny and you can read my review. She is, indeed, a great masseuse!
I saw Laura again and I would have to say that Laura is better VFM, more personable and comfortable to be with. She certainly responds to suggestions and constuctive criticism and ups her game with consecutive visits! If you haven't seen her, you should! (No- she's not paying me to promote her...
