Its kinda tired old trope, that only one of same race can recognize beauty… obv racist… but inescapably illogical…
Can only baseball players

recognize gr8 plays? Its stupid… if the fans say its gr8… then its gr8!
If white guys generally think a gals pretty… then guess what? That means shes pretty!

is she pretty 2 a minority of people?Who cares?
But most dudes agree that regular features & teeth, ltd or no scaring, healthy appearance… & a host of other features… thats attractive.
Some countries & age groups like fatter
or skinnier
… but the inbtwn gals usually appealing 2 everyone…
In the case of Lucy, its notta a white thing… shes damn pretty & most dudes not only like her but pick her out of lineup, every time… thats why shes not in the lineup… other gals’d get no work. And she’d get no rest…