… in the beginning, not so much… hopng 4 increased mileage that wasnt happening… hell, I hoped 4 any sign I was preferred client, & nuthin… but Id still c her every once in a while, & things started 2 really change… during lockdown, she really started treatng me special & then our chemistry changed…
… we have this strange connection, where we just get talkng… her English = quite gd, I forget sometimes its her 2nd language…our convo actually interfered w funstuff… she figured out, once we get 2 playtime, we gotta stop talkng…
And I figured out, if I talk w her allot, she gets hornier…

… so I dont shut it down 2fast… Ive had gf like that, let’m talk a bit then I can do whatever I want w them…
Shes got strong limits, no fs or bj, & altho mask

comes off 4 me, it makes her nervous… but shes ok w everything else @ least w me…
Now we’re @ this point where we figured out how 2 turn on & off FRIENDSHIP mode & move into WITH BENEFITS mode!
… so Id say now, she treats me really really well…