I finally saw Mini after all this hype. First thing I urge Karyjee to go to his optometrist to get a new pair of glasses as he posted a photo of a beautiful short haired girl claimed to have a similar look of Mini. When I first saw her, I could not relate anything with the image of the girl in the picture. Mini is 30+ with a tight body. Facially, it is a plain Jane and you would not turn your head when you meet her on the street - maybe you will notice the tattoo on her arms.
For the massage, I would give her 8 and 9. She worked on my legs (rather than starting on the back). When she worked on my back - I understand what is "saving the best for the last". I felt so good and and I almost felt into sleep. She asked me if I would like to try her own style of oil application. Yes, of course. That was how the long tease begin. Her hand wandered on my body softly and to be exact - sensually. I lost the time and enjoyed the teasing.
After the flip, she sat on the end of the table and put both my legs on her tights. Wasn't it Nancy's signature posture for the ending? The disadvantage of this position is that Mini was out of reach. I find her a bit of rush and looked at the clock a few times. This really turned me off and the vibe in room changed. The session ended as Mini told me there were 3 minutes left and whether I would like to have a hot towel or to have a shower again. I opted for a shower (BTW the shower rooms in JR are very spacious and clean). I gave Mini $60 tip for her efforts in massage and teasing, even though the ending was not what I desired.
Repeat? No. For a good massage, any girl at JR can provide and I have not encountered any girl at JR not aiming to please. Amy is better in all departments and I enjoy Amy's GFE.