The Divine Miss Angela!
As a Mistress who takes time for her own T.L.C, I treated myself to the experience of this woman's hands, mmmm... Heavenly, Healing, exotic massage, to die, and go to heaven for! Naturally I'm here giving her a review.
This lady's talent as a masseuse matches her beauty, both in body and spirit, she obviously has a passion for making people feel good! The treatment I recieved from beginning to end left me feeling like royalty!!! You Rock Girl!
Blissfully Yours,
Lady Di
As a Mistress who takes time for her own T.L.C, I treated myself to the experience of this woman's hands, mmmm... Heavenly, Healing, exotic massage, to die, and go to heaven for! Naturally I'm here giving her a review.
This lady's talent as a masseuse matches her beauty, both in body and spirit, she obviously has a passion for making people feel good! The treatment I recieved from beginning to end left me feeling like royalty!!! You Rock Girl!
Blissfully Yours,
Lady Di