Fully agreed! Maybe people think that there is a new sense of conservatism in Canada now, and they assume that municipalities will adopt it post-haste through their own by-laws and enforcement. In my opinion though, unless the issue of MP's or SP's was a burning election issue, which it wasn't, there is virtually no likelihood that a municipal LE's enforcement of MP and SP activities will change because of Federal or Provincial politics.
The only way it could have been an issue is if there was a national MP/SP story that the politicos could leverage for more votes, or if the political parties made Found-In, Living Off The Avails and Communications portions of Canada's Criminal Code some sort of issue. However, there is no way that would happen - they are more focused on hot-button issues like health care, education, taxes, national unity, scandals, etc... In my opinion unless it was discussed in the election MP/SP enforcement will not change at all regardless of election outcome.
What I think is that many leaders promised and made an issue of gun crimes in the GTA. If there was going to be any shift in LE activities in regards to a federal election, I hope it would be on that issue - and I doubt any shift would come immediately on that, even though it is one million times more politically charged than any MP/SP issue.