Agreed here.
Was a day off thought of some spa action. So read forum and went to a spa in near by. Went to so @₹m0₹@ first and then nimbu ghasphus spa after reading FR over here. Pathetic place pathetic massage. Both places demanded 2.5k and above just for HJ and TL. Was super pissed at the exorbitant demand, just asked to do massage and left. Luckily counter bargained to 1k both places else would have been a waste. Since first spa visit was bad thought of exploring the other one, but was very very bad. Horrible day, guess this kills the spa expectations completely. Feels stupid now to see wasting so much money just for 5-10 minutes extras which is just namesake. Last 10-15 visits have been disaster. Hope some member can help in giving good leads, maybe will then think of going again