Hey guys I know this is a different thread but seeing as how people have started to want to experience all facets of mongering I am posting this review here as well.
Hey guys its me again! I had a great time in Mayur yestarday and learned a valuable life lesson while mongering which is always a good thing.
1) Was in the mood yestarday but could not decide if I wanted to go to Mayur or Kishore. Chatted a bit with LK bhai on forum and he said kishore will be too crowded by 6 which was the earliest I could go. Hence, opted for Mayur. Reached around 6. Today my purpose was a little different. I wanted to do everything that would be considered as not optimal. For example, most people will tell you take corner table for privacy which is logically sound but it also increases your expectations, so this time I went for 2nd table on the right side of the main door. Another example would be if i was looking for VFM i would go 30 mins or 1 hour before closing time and pick one for entry. However, this time the objective was opposite: not look for VFM, not have high expectations but do what I think will be the least optimal thing like not taking a table in the corner, spending a bit more on alcohol and instead of sitting with just 1 or 2 girls atleast sit with 4 girls if for nothing else for research purposes and sharing with you guys.
2) So we all read really amazing FR's on this forum by seniors in the db/sb/ob scene but they are only able to have these experiences because they have already been through the shitty experiences that newbies have to go through sometimes if they do not read forum or seek advice from seniors. Hence, usually for newbies it never works out the same as seniors as seniors have a certain understanding and rapport with the game. I definitely consider myself a newbie and hence do as much research as possible before heading out anywhere. However, when you do research, you expect to have a better experience which you will but please try to manage your expectations. The FR's posted in these forums are only HIGHLIGHTS and everyone has had more bad experiences than good. It is a natural process.
3) Now lets come to my reasoning for doing things sub-optimally. Recently, I have been reading a book and in it there is a study where they monitored the happiness levels of lottery winners and people who faced a tragic loss. In the short-term, lottery winners are much happier because of the better lifestyle. However, soon this better lifestyle becomes the new norm for them and they don't achieve the same dopamine rush anymore. So their happiness levels goes back to normal. Similarly, a person who faces a tragic loss goes through the hard times but eventually adapts to lower their expectations and hence, be happier. My point being if you go with low and realistic expectations (be pragmatic in your approach), there is no way you will be disappointed. So this is the reason I didn't choose the optimal table and was not consciously thinking about VFM (of course I had a limit and stuck to it)
4) So got there at 6 took the table close to DJ and the entrance. Was swarmed by a lot of girls before I could have my first sip of beer. Couple of girls were quite aggresive and kept saying beer pila do, beetha do etc. I usually stay away from these types because the more aggresive they are they more they will try to milk you for money and as the saying goes "ALL TALK NO COCK" as in they will talk a lot of shit but their service will be abyssmal. So relaxed for 5-10 minutes, had asked LK69 for some recommendations so started with those as I didn't really like anyone there at that moment.
4.1) Shanta MILF (DFK expert) - I guess she is very famous for this so just made her sit for 20 minutes. Was decent experience. She tried to give me HJ but there were too many girls standing around my table so didn't feel comfortable. After 20-30 mins, gave her 300 told her to leave.
4.2) Meenakshi (Dusky slim girl with soft melons) - She was eyeing me for a long time and was standing around my table even when other customers were there as it was roughly 6:40. She is much better than Shanta looks wise but does a bit of nakhra in the begining. Made her drink some of my beer (always do this when they ask you to buy them drinks) and she opened up much more. Had fun with her as well. Gave her 400 for like 40 mins.
4.3) Maria - She was looking really hot in the dim setting. She is really fair with short hair and nice skin. However, as soon as I saw her face I wanted to tell her to leave. Not saying shes ugly just not my type no disrespect to anyone who prefers her type its all subjective. Sat with her for 20 mins gave her 200 and told her to leave.
4.4) Got too high and drunk at this point, should've wrote down this girls name. I remember that she was slim wearing saree but decent rack and wholesome figure. She was the only one who did not ask me for a drink or anything. Finally when I asked if she wanted a drink or a salad, she chose the lowest cost thing (good sign) boiled chana. Shared my beer with her and she also smokes so had good company and great time. By this time place was full and it was about to shut so waiter and coatwala was roaming around everywhere. Also because i got her some food and shared my beer she was ok when I gave her only 500 bohni for almost sitting with her for more than an hour. If anyone knows who I am talking about let me know as I would like to repeat this girl.
5) Left Mayur after it shut around 10. Was planning on calling the famous SP Jerry. He only had 2 girls this week and both of them didn't seem too appealing to me so told him to update me when he has new stock. Weirdly got lucky with a tinder date who lives in Navi Mumbai side so asked her if she wanted to get high (she mentions she loves everything 420 in profile). Got to her place by 10:30 (she lives somewhere in palm beach I was so wasted by then). Somehow managed to roll couple of joints fucked her quite a bit as I was pretty horny. As I was fully satisfied already, went home and told Jerry to keep me updated when he has new birds.
6) Damages:
Travel - 500
Tips - Shanti - 300, Menaakshi - 400, Maria - 200, slim shy girl - 500, Coatwala - 100, Waiter - 100, Gate Guy with big mustache - 100 (because he looks funny)
Bill - 4 Tuborg Beer + Boiled Chana - 2.5k
Total Damages -------> 4.7k
I did spent a decent amount yestarday but I was there for roughly 4 hours so the 4 beers are only natural considering I was also sharing them with the girls. Next time will drink even slower. Will try to keep it 1 beer = 2 hours.
Coming to my final point guys is NEVER GO TO DB/SB/OB expecting everything to go according to plan or according to the FR's you read on forums. If you go with high expectations you are bound to be disappointed. So either lower your expectations or have no expectations. On my trip to Mayur this time I did not give anything a second think. As soon as I sat down within 5 minutes I decided to try MILF shanti first but didn't waste more time scanning the room. Its better to make someone sit and you can tell them to leave if you see a girl you like more. Hence, it is important to give bohni only at the end. For me I follow the standard rates 20-30 mins (200-300) and 40-50 mins (400-500).
In my case I was really happy with my experience because I thought it would be much worse than it actually was. But actually just sitting there drinking, talking and fondling with girls is a different experience all together to going to the place for entry purposes. Would like to end this with the wise words of Budda:
"The only real way to attain true happiness is to expect less from others and more from oneself".
So don't think too much about how the situation could've been much better but rather think about how could YOU have made the situation better. It is much easier to live with yourself that way.
Cheers and Happy Mongering