Known Reviewer
They had offer of 999/- few days back.I just checked out on nearbuy Yuan has posted some Offers under a Voucher ! But what are the hidden Terms & Conditions in that ? Any idea ? What if with this Voucher they say that this is only allowed for certain things. And for certain things it is not valid for .e.g In this Voucher Offer there is no extras or blah...blah... I am saying this because there is thiis voucher of even 899/- how is it available at such lower price. That is the lowest price in a Spa that I have heard. so what could be the T&C for such a low price Voucher ?
Nearbuy offer is for only massage, whatever extras you take goes in masseuse pocket.
But check with the spa whether the offer is valid or not.
I checked with casa Thai spa, they had same offer, but told it's not call n check with spa.
Regards, LK69

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