Known Reviewer
You've said that at least 25 times now. This is the first time that I'll tell the reality.The time ya told me to find ya at bellagio riding a black truck
But when i went ya werent there???
Hmmmm ya really cant make up yer mind yea??? Why is that???
When you followed another man to Wendy’s do you feel like a superhero?? Or a villain?? Or like an investigator?? Am really curious about yer mindset when ya followed a guy going to eat at Wendy’s hahahahahahhahahhahahahha
When I said I was would go there to meet you, you told me specifically that you couldn't go!!!
Then later apparently you went and I dlodge you! Am I missing something? Whos full of shit me or you?
Also who full of shit about the ring at Protoge Kids Kung Fu Club, you or me? Is there a ring there??
You have brought up bathwater, wendys and some other garbage endless times and I've not commented.
I have no idea about rape or anything else and the wedny thing was a joke because you're a fat out of shape milkbag and I reference Wendy as a main staple of you're diet accordingly.
One thing is consistent about you the puppets is that they all dwell on certain mute points ad nauseam. Fkkkn boring man.
Talk about something that is actually relevant!!!
If youre for real, and youre not, show up at Bellagio when you know I'm there!!!!!!! Don't worry about taking me by surprise as my head is always on a swivel and I'm always prepared!!!
I'll wait anxiously for your very truthful responses to the meeting at Bellagio and the ring at Protoge.