Burt: you along with Sampson are great contributors to this site, and your opinions are highly valued by all of us. By looking at your reviews, I get the impression that you have financial gains by promoting escort services, which is perfectly ok. However, I disagree with your opinion that 90% of the SGs have pimps. I can speak basic Spanish, enough to carry out a conversation. I have spoken to a lot of the girls either during the session or afterwards in one of the ugly establishments in the Zona. Most of them are good in nature; born in a poor family, didn't have a chance of education, got knocked up early and have nowhere to go in life.... they come to TJ on bus with friends; they rent an apartment to share costs; work for a fix amount of time; leave TJ forever and start their lives.... most of them are very honest; I have never had a girl who try to rob me when I go to the bathroom or charge me extra for no reason...in a way, their actions are noble because it is no different than any one of us going down the mines to work.... they won't be of a lower class forever... remember, the Kennedys come to US on a steam boat and early generations acutally worked as maids; and today they are like royalty.... Bottom line is this: it takes the sacrafice of the early generation in order to better the family name..
You have mentioned that I should talk to some locals... well, I have.... I have a friend who is a 40 year veteran of TJ... that's right 40 years.... He can write a book on the Zona.... he tells me that some of the girls are acutally working as teachers, social workers down south in the peublos and do not get paid a lot of money.... this is a part time job for them..... some of them are saving up for education, and actually emailed him from Canadian Unversities, thanking him helping them get there.... he even met some in San Diego, when they finally got their student VISAs....
There are even cases where the SGs acutally marrying clients.... it is not uncommon.... I have also spoken the Mexican American friends. For some reason, they have a deep resentment against the SGs in their intelligence and social classes.... In fact, most middle class Mexican Americans don't even come to TJ.... they prefer working the night clubs in SD and try to get laid....therefore, they have very minimum knowledge of TJ and the Zona....
In conclusion, the SG I met are quite determined.... they may be under-educated, but they are not stupid.... they don't do drugs, and are goal-getters.... i would not be surprised if future middle and upper Mexicans are their descendents....