
Luke Mosseau
Blind Rock Wellness, a massage therapy and treatment center, will open at 17 Sweet Ro. in Queensbury. The location will be renovated from its former use as Total Lawn Care outdoor equipment storage, and redeveloped to include an addition connecting the two on-site buildings with a reception area.
Brianna Gregory, a visually impaired licensed massage therapist, will co-own Blind Rock Wellness along with her partner John Krieg, also a licensed massage therapist. The pair own a similar business, Outta Sight Massotherapy, at U.S. Route 9 in Queensbury.
“Massage therapy has brought me so much joy, and it has become a passion of mine to grow my bodywork skills and knowledge to serve my clients better,“ Gregory stated on Outtasightmassotherapy.com.
Certified in therapeutic massage and bodywork, Gregory‘s goal is to “bring professionalism and tranquility to each session.”
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“The two existing buildings would be renovated to convert the space into treatment rooms for massage therapy along with an employee break room, laundry area and utility room,“ project architect Ethan Hall of Rucinski Hall Architecture told the Queensbury Planning Board.
There will be a total of six massage treatment rooms, Hall said.
During redevelopment, the existing garage used by Total Lawn Care will be transformed into a group activity space for yoga and stretching classes. Plus, the existing office area in the upper level would remain as office space for the Blind Rock Wellness co-owners, Hall said.
Gregory and Krieg offer their patients a wide range of treatment methods from manual lymphatic drainage and medical massages to deep tissue work, as well as add-on services like heat therapy, applying hot Himalayan salt stones to the skin, cupping, and aromatherapy.
Additionally, a 24-foot-wide, two-way entrance and exit drive will be created, with a total of 11 parking spaces for clients.
“Our proposal is to bring a single entry off of Sweet Road and re-arrange the parking,“ Hall told the planning board.
There will also be landscaping enhancements with new foundation plantings since the existing lot has “become overgrown.“ The current chain link fence will also be removed, Hall said.
Queensbury Planning Board member Brad Magowan offered praise to the new business as the location on Sweet Road has seen significant turnover throughout the years.
“It sounds like a great opportunity. I drive past there all the time,“ Magowan said. “It‘s been many things, and when I saw the application, I think it‘s going to make it look better.“
Luke Mosseau is a staff writer. Contact: 518-742-3224, lmosseau@poststar.com.
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