Saw Kristin yesterday. BS and HJ on the menu only.
Face :8/10
Body :8/10
Sensual :6/10 (fake moans while massage @ the start were weird). Felt mechanical and slightly rushed.
Sweet girl to talk to, banging body
. She mentioned she is 22 and from Russia, been in country for 6 months. Takes direction well, is fussy about increasing the brightness in the room
Hygiene : good hygiene and had a shower after the session
Repeat : maybe, if she improves on sensual quotient.
Saw the line up yesterday and Kristin was the best from the line up avaliable. She was wearing a T without inner wear and yoga pants
Saw Arshia in the line up, I would rate her face 4/10
and body 6/10. I believe Yolanda also I saw in the lineup : 6/10 face and body IMO