I will tell you why B**** , as the girl was already with a client and i was next appt, she extended her time 5-10 mins and you scolded her like a bi****, bcoz u made her upset i had to pay the price for a bad session, u told her she has no time management skills, i think you didnt read my comment i had great first session and next session was terrible bcoz of you, you need to change your attitude towards the girls, if i had no issues waiting for her extra 10 mins why did you? I am not arguing just telling you be nice with clients and girls both.But why they are not nice to you,and watched the clock every 5mins, seems like they wanna fish your session as soon as possible. And try to ask you book someone else.
I here to slove the problem, not arguing with you.
and for the fact i have never seen Mizuki no idea who she is.