To all the long time customers of the fine establishment, can you please tell me if this is true? Can you just get a massage (whether it be good or bad, it doesn't matter) and only have to pay the room fee. And if you liked her massaging only, then maybe give the girl a few bucks more? I always thought that you had to tip the girl no matter what on top of the room fee because she is actually doing some work on your body.
Here is why I am asking. The other day I was at the front of the spa and was early and waiting for my session with my girl. And while I was waiting, I saw one of the girls (who I will not name because I don't want to call anyone out, and plus I feel bad for the girl) walk out of the room with a brown dude. The girl complains to the owner and says "he doesn't want to pay anything". The owner then asks her "what service did you provide?" The girl said she massaged him. The owner then asks again "But what services did you do?" and again same answer for the girl. She says I massaged him. The Brown dude then jumps in a said "yeah, she only massaged me" Then the owner says "You have to provide a service if you expect a tip!!!" Then it dawned on me, what the owner meant was "services" outside of the standard massage. I don't think the girl understood it that way though. She probably thought that since she massaged him, he should at least pay something. The owner said that he doesn't have to pay and that the owner could reimburse her $20 for the massage that the MPA provided.
I don't know who is in the wrong here, but I think that at least the brown dude should have paid something for the girl's time. That is a little cheap in my opinion by just paying the room fee and nothing else. Why wouldn't he just pay a little more and get an RMT at a legit spa. Let's say he pays the $40 room fee for 30 mins, just add a little more and go to an RMT for a real massage.
If you pay for only the room fee here, you'll get mainly like a back scratch, but you might be lucky and get an average non RMT massage where they are actually kneading your muscles.
It was most likely a back scratch because it was one of the newer girls here. But then maybe the onus should be on her to try to upsell? I don't know....I always thought that a BS and HE was the norm? Correct me if I am wrong. Can you decline those options and just ask for a massage?
But then again, not to spread hate, but that Brown dude was cheap to not pay anything for the time spent on massage him (whether good or bad).