All right for you to say, Mr Ref, but due to lack of wheelages I'll likely never get to have another session with my [and note the emphasis on my] Jenn "glamma from tha hamma" Babe again I'm just purple abt it I tell ya ! .... nevah !... evah !!!
PS Jenn Babe ( that's my pet nik for her) if you're reading this,honey , and I dare say something tells me you are (it's like a distant tormented, vengeful voice), let's do coffee some time - she'll know what I mean ... *WINK WINK WINK*
PS Jenn Babe ( that's my pet nik for her) if you're reading this,honey , and I dare say something tells me you are (it's like a distant tormented, vengeful voice), let's do coffee some time - she'll know what I mean ... *WINK WINK WINK*