Jst whack your brains a bit...........................................................Here we go..........
Q. Below is a 2x2 matrix. Do you remember the very beautiful song from Jo Jeeta Wahi Sikander.......??? Then go ahead.. Even otherwise you can give it a try ........
pehla nasha pehla khumar ????????????????
?????????????? ????????????????
The element in the 1st row, 1st column is 'pehla nasha pehla khumar'.
Can you tell me the values of other 3 elements of this matrix? (remember jo jeeta wahi sikander song ...)
Thinking of all the matrices you learnt ......
. fuhget it
Gave up??....... ok see below........
The complete matrix is as shown below:
pehla nasha pehla khumar pehla nasha dusara khumar
dusara nasha pehla khumar dusara nasha dusara khumar