1. Neither does FE nor Do I take responsibility of the after effects of reading whats posted below. If you think you will be affected, please donot read any further.
2. Any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental.
3. No offence meant to anyone.
4. Neither does FE or Me take the responsibility of hair loss by various people after reading the jokes below.
5. If you reached this far, might as well read this one
Q. What is the favorite gem of ghosts??
A. Bluediamond (Boo diamond):bleh:
Q. How often does Bruce Lee get his salary??
A. Monthlee:bleh:
Q. What does Bruce Lee drink water from?
A. Baatlee:tongue:
Q. If you place an 'A' next to an arch. What do you get?
A. Archana:rofl:
Q. What do you call SK's mom??
A. Mask.
Q. What was the messege from Kolkata called?
A. Sandesh:tongue:
Q. What do you call a medical instance?
A. MedPal.
Q. What do you call a kid who likes to roam around naked??
A. Buffmaster:tongue:
Q. What do you say when you see Bruce Lee involved in a fight?
A. Junglee.:rofl:
Q. Whats Bruce Lee's Favorite language?
A. Bangalee.
PS: I made these all up myself without reading from elsewhere. Edited this post dunno how many times for this