Sometimes I'm a bit blunt and because this is online, it may come across as sounding mean but thats not my intention. Gina was a pretty girl, obviously I had a soft spot for her. She was my go to until I changed spas. Cecilia is pretty but not DDG. If we're being honest, are any MPA's DDG? If they are, why are they MPA's? That's just the reality. DDG is like a 9 or 10, and if we're talking about a spectrum, that's like the top of all women, so how can they be DDG? lol. Obviously I've only seen a few girls from Sentosa so I can't comment on them all. I get some people will get upset if I don't think their favourite girl is attractive as they do, but thats why beauty is subjective. If I say Cherry isn't DDG, that's not being rude, but just being realistic. Yes she's pretty, and I'm sure that shines through when she's happy, I just caught her on a bad day maybe

. I always run a the risk of looking like I'm jist trying to talk badly, but I'm just being honest. The last time I was there, the girl was told not to see me because she was told I was a promoter for Bellagio. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard, lol. Anyway...