okay lets assume this is correct, but then we mst have a starting rate?? agree or not??
So lets consider what the local Thai guys pay the same bar girls if she hasn't got a guy at the end of the night, between 100 and 200bht for st. They hate going with these guys and only do so to put 100 plus baht in their pocket for grub the next day, also because they normally insist on going bare back, there now thats a thought for the guy who likes doing the same whilst here!!!!
Old, young, fat, ugly the option is better with a farang than this and even an expat farang who knows the going rate, is known to them and pays bal park 1k LT.
Now we have people stating all sorts of figures between 1500bht to 4,000bht, I accept that they are also covering bg's, fl's and gg girls, but what do we think the going rate is now??
I'm not getting into this, just providing a little factual info from on the ground.