Don't know if the thread title is correct or not and I don't really care. It's the thought that counts and last night my thoughts were on Monique from the Platinum spa.
I got to Platinum was buzzed in and greeted at the counter by a buxom brunette who at first I didnt recognize, but as soon as she flashed that pearly white smile, Christina shone through. She looks hotter than ever imo. Get'er Paul.
So to the room I go and shower P-down and then on to the table. Very tired after beach v-ball so in need of tlc. In walk adorable Monique in a black sheer dress with the most angelic face I've seen in a long time. I didn't expect that. She got some serious blue eyes and beautiful skin. Hhhhmmm let me see what else is it about her that I can talk about "the lovely, the beautiful ass that I would love to abduct and feast on for about 72-84 hours. Oh yeah...the mouth watering, perfectly tanned, RussMeyeresque proportioned, polish wheat fed D if not DD boobs. I know this objectifying a set of bodyparts on a sweetheart of a girl but they are too much for me to keep to myself. Anyway Monique is delicious (not what your thinking) she is bubbly, personable and very sexy. Nike Shox. Everything was rather tame I must admit but sometimes subtlety is a well recieved alternative. I think it would heat up on repeats with legal limits.
You know one of my favourite parts of the whole session is when you've just recovered from the big O and your sitting there watching the woman in the shower getting all lathered up. The only problem is that when I watch them shower, I leave feeling like I just ate at a Chinese Restaurant and am hungry again. And especially when you follow her to the exit and the ass is screaming "take me home Spode! I taste like Hagen Daaz, the french vanilla kind!" Geez here's another one we better treat with respect.
Body: Voluptuous but not heavy. Yummy
Face: Classic EE with Blue Eyes.
Boobs: Luuuuuvly
Ass: Luuuuuuuuuuuvly
Feet: Don't give aaaaaaaa fuck
Shower Skills: Unfortunately no shower massage was requested but she definitely knows how to use lather to her advantage. (Oh here we go again, I getting a BiFNeR)
I got to Platinum was buzzed in and greeted at the counter by a buxom brunette who at first I didnt recognize, but as soon as she flashed that pearly white smile, Christina shone through. She looks hotter than ever imo. Get'er Paul.
So to the room I go and shower P-down and then on to the table. Very tired after beach v-ball so in need of tlc. In walk adorable Monique in a black sheer dress with the most angelic face I've seen in a long time. I didn't expect that. She got some serious blue eyes and beautiful skin. Hhhhmmm let me see what else is it about her that I can talk about "the lovely, the beautiful ass that I would love to abduct and feast on for about 72-84 hours. Oh yeah...the mouth watering, perfectly tanned, RussMeyeresque proportioned, polish wheat fed D if not DD boobs. I know this objectifying a set of bodyparts on a sweetheart of a girl but they are too much for me to keep to myself. Anyway Monique is delicious (not what your thinking) she is bubbly, personable and very sexy. Nike Shox. Everything was rather tame I must admit but sometimes subtlety is a well recieved alternative. I think it would heat up on repeats with legal limits.
You know one of my favourite parts of the whole session is when you've just recovered from the big O and your sitting there watching the woman in the shower getting all lathered up. The only problem is that when I watch them shower, I leave feeling like I just ate at a Chinese Restaurant and am hungry again. And especially when you follow her to the exit and the ass is screaming "take me home Spode! I taste like Hagen Daaz, the french vanilla kind!" Geez here's another one we better treat with respect.
Body: Voluptuous but not heavy. Yummy
Face: Classic EE with Blue Eyes.
Boobs: Luuuuuvly
Ass: Luuuuuuuuuuuvly
Feet: Don't give aaaaaaaa fuck
Shower Skills: Unfortunately no shower massage was requested but she definitely knows how to use lather to her advantage. (Oh here we go again, I getting a BiFNeR)